Stanmore, Anne

A Ghost Collection / Anne Stanmore - Chipre : Burlington Books , 2009 - 65 p. : il. cor ; 21 cm - Burlington Activity Reader 2 .

Texto en inglés. Acceso aos audios dos textos en

Índice de contido: The Ghosts of Dodson Hall (Chapters 1-4); The Priest Hole (Chapters 1-6); Sarah's New House (Chapters 1-6).
Glossary; Cross-Curricular Focus.

Who are the young boy and girl that sometimes appear in Miss Dodson's house and what are they looking for? Why do the boys at Harry's boarding school think he's crazy and why does a mysterious priest come to visit him? Who is the girl that haunts Sarah's new house and wants to take control of her? Find the answers to these questions in this ghostly collection of spooky tales.

1º-2º ESO


Lingua inglesa--Textos orixinais
Lecturas adaptadas--Nivel 2ºESO
Contos de medo--Pantasmas e aparicións


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