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Canción de Navidad / Charles Dickens; Secundino Villoria [et al.]

by Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) [Author]; Casas, Gabriel [author of supplementary material]; Lanero Fernández, Juan José [author of supplementary material]; Villoria, Secundino [author of supplementary material]; Foreman, Michael [Illustrator].
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Aula de literatura Vicens-Vives ;8.Publisher: Barcelona : Vicens-Vives , 1990 Edition: 1ª ed.Description: 38,121,29 p. :il. ;20cm.ISBN: 8431628103.Subject(s): Lingua e Literatura inglesa | Contos | Tradución ao castelán | Clásicos da literatura universal | Nadal | Dpto. LC
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Prestable IES Lamas de Castelo
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82-C DIC can 1 Available CED034000002818

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