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Illustration Annual One : A Juried Selection / Communication Arts Magazine   Publication: USA :Communication Arts Magazine 1984 Physical description: 128 p :il. cor ;28cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

The Creative License. : Giving Yourself Permission to Be the Artist You Truly Are / Danny Gregory by Gregory, Danny Publication: New York :Hyperion 2006 Physical description: 195 p :il. cor ;23cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

Todo sobre la técnica de la ilustración : Manual imprescindible para el artista / David Sanmiguel by Sanmiguel Cuevas, David Publication: Barcelona :Parramón 2000 Physical description: 143 p :il. fot. cor ;29cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

Letrearte : Aprende el arte de crear letras bonitas / Laura Massana, Three Feelings by Massana, Laura Publication: Barcelona :Aguilar 2021 Physical description: 207 p. :il. cor ;25cm Academic level: 3º-4º Primaria , 5º-6º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

The Art of Urban Sketching : Drawing on location around the world / Gabriel Campanario by Campanario, Gabriel Publication: USA :Quarry Books 2012 Physical description: 319 p :il. e fot. b/n e cor ;26cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

Artist's Journal Workshop : Creating Your Life in Words and Pictures / Cathy Johnson by Johnson, Cathy Publication: USA :North Light Books 2011 Physical description: 143 p :il. cor ;28cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

Sketchbook Confidential : Secrets from the private sketches of over 40 master artists / Pamela Wissman e Stefanie Laufersweiler by Wissman, Pamela Publication: USA :North Light Books 2010 Physical description: 173 p :il. b/n e cor ;28cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

Crear iconos : Diseñar símbolos visuales efectivos / Felix Sockwell, Emily Potts by Sockwell, Felix. Publication: Barcelona : Blume 2018 Physical description: 159 p. : il. b/n e cor ; 26 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

Estudios de artes plásticas y diseño /   Publication: Madrid 2013 Physical description: 143 p :il. fot. e gráf. cor ;27cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

100 de los edificios más altos del mundo / Ivan Zaknic, Matthew Smith, Dolores Rice by Zaknic, Ivan Publication: Madrid :Paraninfo 1999 Physical description: 220 p :il ;30cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

Neuroeducación y diseño universal para el aprendizaje : Una propuesta práctica para el aula inclusiva / Coral Elizondo by Elizondo Carmona, Coral Publication: Barcelona : Ediciones Octaedro 2023 Physical description: 169 p. : il. cor ; 24 cm Availability: No items available: Checked out (1),

Womanhaus : historia ilustrada de las artistas de la Bauhaus / Dakota Hernández by Hernández, Dakota Publication: A Coruña : Bululú 2022 Physical description: 149 p. : il. cor ; 24 cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

A comunicación visual by Avedaño, Alberto Publication: A Coruña :Xunta de Galicia 1995 Physical description: 68 p. : il. ; 19 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Lamas de Castelo (1),

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